imagine how something will be.
imagine how something will end. imagine about someone you hope to meet. imagine what they would be like.
i imagine.
when i imagine, i get lost.
lost in how much i want something incredible to happen.
lost in what i hope to become one day.
and who i hope to meet.
and then i stop imagining and open my eyes.
i won't say i'm disappointed in what i then realize, that which is reality. its just never quite as thrilling as what i'm imagining. it seems like an obvious fact. imaginations are generally much more thrilling then reality, hence its something that should be considered and understand before even beginning to imagine, but nevertheless its still a hard fact to grasp...
.... helps me imagine. music is like the pathway to my imagination, it feeds it and encourages it. i think this is a problem. at least sometimes. i wish music would always invoke true emotions, (and yes I do understand that it does at times), but i think it more so invokes feelings that coincide with what the song is imparting. take for instance a mixed cd, full of songs from every different genre and era, every different mood and emotion. if one were to listen through that entire cd, straight through, i believe that they would feel so many different emotions in such a short amount of time that they would end up feeling fickle and confused. this is a reason, i imagine, most people stick to one genre, one general emotion, or at least one genre that will convey every emotion in its own unique way. music is a powerful thing. and a misleading thing...
...i can so quickly get caught up in the passion of a song, in the emotion of a aria, in the fervor of a piano piece....and then, there it is again. reality...
...maybe its because i'm still so young, young in life, young in christ, young in emotions, young.
i understand reality, i understand the need and the reward of hard work, i cherish the moments after some conflict has been resolved and i would never, ever wish to lose that....
....i just wish that my imaginations weren't so far from reality...
...hmmm, but then would they be imaginations at all?...
...i believe i will strive to learn how to ponder. perhaps it is the balance of thinking and imaginations.
i wonder what you think.
i wonder.
.the photographer.
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