Friday, July 16, 2010

So. Remember that one time. That one time that I wrote that blog post about how music is such a powerful thing....
.... in yesterdays post. haha...
...I would like to state something more about that. "that" being the statement that music is a powerful thing...
...I just recently watched the movie "No Reservations" starring Catherine Zeta-Jones and Aaron Eckhart. In that movie Aaron Eckharts character "Nick" played opera while he cooked. After finishing that movie I decided to listen to some Italian arias to see how I really felt about opera...
.... seems like such a given thing to pass off as far too extreme, far too loud, and far too nonsensical to even bother listening to...
but as I listened to La Boheme: Si, Mi Chiamano Mimi by IIeana Cotrubas and & John Pritchard and Norma: Casta Diva by James Levine, National Philharmonic Orchestra & Renata Scotto....
...I realized how amazing of a thing opera is!...
...I would be considered a very safe person, I'm not adventurous or daring. I like to generally stay around things I am familiar with...for example, I rarely, if ever, order anything new when I go to restaurants and usually don't get involved in anything remotely sport-like because I have never played sports...
this doesn't seem like a terribly horrible thing does it?...
....I don't think it's a bad thing. most of the time...but I have come to realize over the past few months that I shouldn't be so stubborn as to not try new things. new things that are quite harmless, just new...
...I pass things off as silly or unimportant too quickly...I want to learn how to consider something and possibly try something before I pass it off as something I wouldn't like...
....that statement scares me... thing you know I'm gonna be the one skydiving and trying some weird fish concoction at a restaurant...
...ha, or not...
...I'm still a bit too wary of both of those things...
...but from now on I am going to try to really consider things and try things before swearing them off as something I would never do...
...and that all to say that I have begun to listen to Opera Arias...
...'s a start.

.the photographer.

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